Deborah Koan
Transpersonal Alchemist ~ Meditation Teacher ~ Intuitive
Empowerment Series ~ Digital Albums
1. Stress Free – Let go of the stressful contracted energy in your body during this calming and empowering guided meditation, which includes tools for addressing and freeing yourself from everyday stressful moments.
2. Lotus Visual – Gently release stress into the lotus during this relaxing guided visualization that invites you to let go and feel calm. 3. Calm Energy – Close your eyes and breathe as your body fills with calm, relaxed energy during this soothing visual meditation. 4. Relaxing Place – Journey to a peaceful place all your own as you relax your body and free yourself from stress during this tranquil guided meditation. |
1. Peaceful Sleep - Deborah’s gentle guidance invites you to slowly relax your body from head to toe as you let go of contracted, stressful energy in your entire body and fade off into a peaceful sleep.
2. Tranquility - Start with a pen and paper and finish with relaxed breath and closed eyes. As you release your thoughts and stress in this gentle yet active meditation where you begin with a brief writing exercise, you will find yourself in a tranquil, clear state of mind that is ideal for a restful sleep. 3. Restful Image - Follow Deborah’s voice as you are guided to a quiet, nurturing place in your mind. As the serenity of your calming place fills your whole being, you will transform your thoughts and have an easy and peaceful slumber. 4. Quiet Night - Using color and visualization to see yourself calm, serene, and feeling sleepy. This meditation gives you the tools you need to drift off to sleep with ease whenever you choose. |
1. Weight Loss - Learn to replace your negative lifestyle patterns with positive nurturing behaviors as you see and feel a positive image of yourself during this guided meditation.
2. Chakra Flow - Create an even, smooth flow to your energy as you are gently guided through your 7 energy centers during this colorful multi-sensory meditation. A body with smooth, flowing energy cannot hold extra physical weight and will naturally shed extra pounds. 3. Light Transformation - See your light expand as you envision how you would like to look and feel inside and out. Use this meditation to transform the energy in your body so you can lose weight more easily. 4. Energy Release - See and feel your body vent and release any stagnant blocked energy during this guided meditation. When energy moves freely and remains unblocked, the body will process emotions and food more effectively and more easily release extra weight. |
1. Loving You - Bring nurturing, loving energy into your heart as Deborah gently guides you through this visual meditation inviting your body to embody the nurturing and loving energy you feel.
2. Spine Release - Relax, release, and enjoy as you unblock the energy in your spine and hips. You will welcome nurturing, loving energy into these important areas of your body that give support to your physical being. 3. Rose Visual - Draw loving energy into your heart by visualizing a rose, a symbol of love, as you relax and allow the loving energy into your entire body during this meditation. 4. Nurture and Love - Visualize and feel yourself being completely nurtured and loved during this guided visual meditation where you will experience these feelings first-hand. |
1. Soul Mate - Visualize and feel the energy connecting you and your current or future partner as you create a strong and balanced relationship during this powerful guided visualization.
2. Chakra Union - Create the foundation for a more passionate relationship full of trust, love, compassion, and pleasure by merging the energy of the second and fourth chakras during this meditation. 3. Deep Heart - Feel your heart open more and more as you easily attract a healthy, happy, fulfilling relationship into your life. 4. Relationship Visual - Use colorful visualizations to manifest the person you would like to be with in this meditation. |